Rustici blog A developer's perspective on LTI Deep Linking

A developer’s perspective on LTI Deep Linking

Nearly 2 years ago, Rustici began supporting the LTI standard across our products. The Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) sets a standard for the communication between LMSs and content libraries or learning applications. Our customers quickly began utilizing the functionality, an encouraging sign of LTI's adoption…

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SCORM support with Rustici Engine: A no-brainer

From my office cheerfully decorated in pom pom garland and whiteboard plastered with a color-coded system of sticky notes to my occasional “hanitizer” slip-up, it’s pretty obvious around the Rustici office that I used to be an elementary school teacher. One of my favorite aspects…

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Rustici blog 3 ways to support video training

Think out of the box: 3 ways to support video-based training

Are you exploring ways to add microlearning to your training platform? In our 20.1 Rustici Engine release, we offer three ways for your customers to import videos, with enhanced functionality to help them play and track those videos in your platform.  1. Offer accessible native…

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Rustici blog Rustici Engine and Rustici Dispatch IMS certified

Rustici Engine and Rustici Dispatch are now IMS certified

Rustici Engine and Rustici Dispatch have officially passed the IMS Global certification testing for Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). This major milestone for our products was achieved earlier this year in the 20.1 release. What does LTI certification mean for Rustici Engine? Conformance to standards and…

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Rustici blog authorizing user access without cookies

Authorizing learner access without using third-party cookies

We started delivering SCORM courses to learners around the world with SCORM Cloud about ten years ago. The internet was a different place at that time. We decided then to follow standard practices and use cookies to control access to course content. Advertising companies also…

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Rustici blog LTI development

A developer’s reflection on learning the LTI standard

I’ve been a developer on the Rustici Engine team at Rustici Software for a little over a year now, and in that time I’ve learned all about various learning standards and how our products support them. Recently, I was tasked with implementing support for a…

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Rustici blog Engine 20.1 release

New in Engine 20: LTI support, YouTube connector, and more

There’s a new release of Rustici Engine available now, and we’re calling it 20.1. Long-time Rustici Software partners might ask “Don’t you mean 2020.1?” Nope. With this release, we’ve decided to start using a more typical naming convention for our product versions, and 20 seemed…

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3 reasons your LMS should be LTI-compliant

As a platform provider, you’re more than likely going to be selling your product into one of two categories: the corporate space or higher education. For providers in the higher education or EdTech space, there's a good chance you've heard about LTI. But if your…

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