TalenTeam continues its extensive support with Rustici Engine

Since TalenTeam started in 2012, they have been focused on providing the very best experiences to empower organizations to capture and retain the best talent. Through exploring innovations in technology and adapting to customers’ needs, they achieve this focus every year. With over 120 customers…

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What is this package blog cover image with packages

What is this eLearning content package? Down the rabbit hole

We’re often asked a lot of questions at Rustici ranging from “what is SCORM” to very technical Engine integrations questions. One I was a little surprised to hear being asked in our “office hallways” (aka Slack messages) and beyond is “What is a package?” Turns…

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The Five Pillars of learning standards blog

What makes up a learning standard? The Five Pillars

I’ve worked in the learning standards space for a long while now, and over the last 12 years I’ve often been asked “What even is a learning standard?” and “What makes up a learning standard?” Let’s face it, if you’re asking those questions you’re probably…

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The next chapter in Rustici Engine’s LRS xAPI performance

The next chapter in Rustici Engine’s LRS xAPI performance

Rustici Engine has supported xAPI (the Experience API) since 2011 when we created the initial version for ADL. We always expected the volume and type of data to cause scalability issues. Although, our understanding of how to address those issues has grown as well. The…

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Image of Cameron Gray and Chris Tompkins

Always keeping up with eLearning standards: My trip to I/ITSEC 2023

Two weeks ago, having barely digested our Thanksgiving meals, Chris Tompkins, Brian Miller, and I attended I/ITSEC 2023 in Orlando. If you are not familiar, I/ITSEC stands for Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference and caters largely to the US Department of Defense, federal contractors,…

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The logo for I/ITSEC 2023.

We’re excited to present and attend I/ITSEC 2023

It’s that time of year again when most people in the U.S. are out shopping and preparing for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Me? I’m gearing up to help our team leave for I/ITSEC 2023 next week. This is the second time Rustici Software has had…

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Announcing Rustici's 2022 eLearning Learning MVP blog award winners.

Writing code and content: Our 2022 MVP bloggers

As a writer and content person at Rustici, I’m all about words and how we can meaningfully share our knowledge with the learning community. I’m also very fortunate to work with many intelligent people who are also always happy to share their expertise with the…

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Rustici blog Level up your learning ecosystem at DevLearn 2022

Level up your learning ecosystem at DevLearn 2022

DevLearn 2022 will be here before we know it, and I’m especially excited as it will be my first year going! I’ve helped prepare our team for this conference the past several years, and now get to experience it myself. And what a year to…

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