What is this package blog cover image with packages

What is this eLearning content package? Down the rabbit hole

We’re often asked a lot of questions at Rustici ranging from “what is SCORM” to very technical Engine integrations questions. One I was a little surprised to hear being asked in our “office hallways” (aka Slack messages) and beyond is “What is a package?” Turns…

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The Five Pillars of learning standards blog

What makes up a learning standard? The Five Pillars

I’ve worked in the learning standards space for a long while now, and over the last 12 years I’ve often been asked “What even is a learning standard?” and “What makes up a learning standard?” Let’s face it, if you’re asking those questions you’re probably…

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Back to school – The fall conference season is here!

School is back in session, and we’re heading back to class ourselves with a full slate of conferences on the calendar. We’ll be teaching a few classes, reconnecting with friends and customers and learning along the way. Check out what we have on our schedule.…

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Rustici blog SCORM Lost completions

5 best practices to limit lost completions in SCORM courses

“Just ask Joe.” I don’t remember exactly when that became a Rustici and customer catchphrase (more than 15 years of SCORM support and funny TV shows are vying for valuable brain space), it’s one that I secretly love and embrace. When we say “ask us…

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Rustici Software blog A Word(le) about 2021

A Word(le) about 2021

Like many out there, Wordle has become part of my daily morning ritual. A cup of coffee and a quick brainstorm to find the perfect starting word hoping that it delivers some helpful clues to landing on the wordle of the day is what you…

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Rustici blog AMA Feb webinar eLearning standards

Ask me anything: eLearning standards and content creation

With a tagline of “ask us anything,” we answer hundreds, if not thousands, of eLearning standards questions every year from just starting to learn SCORM to more advanced questions, like creating a lockstep sequence in a SCORM 2004 manifest. (Sometimes, we’re even asked for our…

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We are presenting at iFEST Join us virtually-min

We’re presenting at iFEST – Join us virtually

To say we’ve all had our share of ups and downs in the last year and a half would be quite the understatement. In L&D, we’ve seen dramatic shifts in the adoption of online education and training. With the theme “Learning and Thriving in the…

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Rustici Software blog cmi5 in plain English

An explanation of cmi5 in (mostly) plain English

Around Rustici, we’re ramping up to launch Project CATAPULT in the coming months (I may or may not have recently set my #slack status as “visions of cmi5 danced in her head”). It’s all too common to hear someone say “cmi5 is the bridge between…

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