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How to Distribute xAPI Content Through a SCORM-only LMS

You don’t have to wait for content players to catch up! If you’re creating the Experience API (xAPI) courses but getting frustrated by the limited number of players that can actually launch and report on them, here’s some great news: SCORM Cloud’s Dispatch service has…

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Mixtapes and Mobile SCORM

My husband recently turned 44. I like to make him feel better about getting older by sharing things with him that are older than he is. You know one thing that’s older than 44? The cassette tape — it was actually born in 1962. Even…

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Mobile learning…what’s the deal?

mLearnCon 2013 is happening right now, and we thought this would be a good time to write about some related topics: Mobile learning. M-learning. Native apps. Tablets. Smart phones. Offline e-learning. HTML 5. These are all terms that we’ve been hearing a lot about in…

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Scooping up SCORM Driver for free since 2012

When it comes to getting something for free, I’ll do just about anything. Last summer, we had a new ice cream store open in East Nashville. The night before they “officially” opened, they were offering free ice cream. I stood in line for close to…

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We need to talk…

Over a year ago, we started working with ADL to figure out where SCORM should go next. There were many roads that ADL could have gone down, and they’ve chosen ours — Project Tin Can. We’ve been building and refining the Tin Can spec and…

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None. The answer is none.

I answer a lot of SCORM questions ranging from the basic to the extravagant, and I actually like it.  A huge part of what I do is teaching about SCORM. Sometimes, though, I get questions that make me laugh.  Today, I feel like I need…

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Atlas in Wonderland

Once upon a time, well, that’s not exactly how this starts. This story actually started about 7 months ago when Chris and I first started working here, at Rustici Software. We were hired to embark on a journey together to find all of the eLearning…

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Why People Pay Us

Before we bought 30 inch monitors for everybody, we used to print out all of the SCORM specs as they came out. The hard copy made them a whole lot easier to digest even though it meant the slaughter of many innocent trees. In unpacking…

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Let your customers know that you’re using the best

You pay for Rustici Software products, and we want to make sure that you’re getting the most out of them. Some of our customers prefer to tuck their use of our products away, and we’re fine with that. But others want to scream from the…

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So many channels… please don’t miss what you need

There are so many channels now.  Whether we're talking radio, TV, or the web in general, there are so many ways that information is pouring over us. Like many companies, we're doing our best to reach everyone wherever they are... Of late, we've been finding…

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Obama’s award and misplaced vitriol

The US Department of Labor just announced their solicitation for grant applications (SGA) and they called it this: "Employment and Training Administration Notice of Availability of Funds and Solicitation for Grant Applications for Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grants Program".  Whoa. I'm no political…

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“Can you recommend an LMS for me?”

Ah, a relatively common question for us... People come to us asking for recommendations on content and LMS's with some regularity. I theorize that it's for one of two reasons... They think we're the governing body for SCORM. They know we aren't the governing body,…

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