The Five Pillars of learning standards blog

What makes up a learning standard? The Five Pillars

I’ve worked in the learning standards space for a long while now, and over the last 12 years I’ve often been asked “What even is a learning standard?” and “What makes up a learning standard?” Let’s face it, if you’re asking those questions you’re probably…

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Responding to recent news regarding ADL's funding

Responding to recent ADL funding news

I’ve spent a lot of time over the last couple of weeks learning about some things that are happening with ADL (the governing body for SCORM and closest thing we currently have to a single steward for xAPI right now). My first tl;dr Some funding…

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Scooping up SCORM Driver for free since 2012

When it comes to getting something for free, I’ll do just about anything. Last summer, we had a new ice cream store open in East Nashville. The night before they “officially” opened, they were offering free ice cream. I stood in line for close to…

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Blackboard™ is a Big Deal

Blackboard is big time. Blackboard Learn™ leads the higher education learning management world. Blackboard Learn serves more than 20 million learners. And starting in 2011 (or thereabouts), Blackboard is going to be rocking the SCORM Engine in Blackboard Learn. We are nothing short of thrilled…

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SCORM Cloud Beta :: What is a “dispatch”?

Ye Olde Switcharoo, from HogueLikeWoah Do you remember the old phone switchboards? They connected a caller to a receiver, and it required some handholding on the part of the operator, right? As much as we'd like for SCORM to work perfectly every time, and without…

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LMS Pricing

I love when I come upon some independent research that informs me of something I didn't know. Truth be told, I base a lot of my assumptions about LMS cost on the original price offered by my first eLearning employer. (List price at PureSafety back…

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SCORM Engine in Saba

Earlier this year, Rustici Software and Saba embarked on a joint project to integrate the SCORM Engine with the Saba Learning Suite. This project showed the US Army that it is be possible to integrate our SCORM Untethered offline player into the Army's ALMS (which…

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1 week… 2 new SCORM Engine LMS’s

This week was a huge success. In 5 days, we completed two full implementations of the SCORM Engine. In each case, our client had an existing LMS that supported users and assignments... they just didn't support SCORM or AICC. In a matter of 3 days…

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