Rustici Generator AI diagram

Rustici Generator + Rustici Engine Features

Fill in the blanks faster than ever with Metadata Generation (Q1 2025)

  • Reduce the hours spent on manual metadata entry for course content with tagging and summarization tools.
  • Give your application more efficiency with course content metadata suggestions.
  • Create greater library accessibility with the generation of
    • Course title recommendations
    • Course summaries and thumbnail image suggestions
    • Keywords and skills tagging
  • Import your skill taxonomy and get back suggestions for your content
  • Once video content is parsed, you can transcribe video files with ease

Find courses using natural language with Semantic Search (Q1 2025)

  • Sifting through a large library can be quicker and easier with semantic search, especially when paired with metadata generation.
  • Use natural language to search your content library for what you need in the moment.
  • Search into content to connect you and your users to places within the training materials.

Rustici Generator + Rustici Engine Benefits

  • Expand on personalized experiences

    Being able to give your customers options and a personalized experience is one of the fast growing trends among technology and even more so eLearning. Rustici Generator used with Rustici Engine not only gives you a more personalized experience on the backend if managing your own content, but for your customers managing their own content they could have a reimagined work flow with minimal lift from your team.

  • Save your team and users more time

    Whether it is you or your users looking to add content or sifting through a sea of courses, Rustici Generator can help you reduce the time spent on both! If adding 10, 20 or 100 courses, manually adding course metadata can take days if not weeks. Plus once you have the content in your library, finding what you need in the moment can be a roadblock as it diversifies. Rustici Generator can help you find content quicker and in your own words by searching within course content.

  • Save your company money

    Developing a new product or functionality that takes advantage of AI can be an expensive venture, especially if you build a tool before knowing if your market wants it. Rustici Generator helps you skip the development steps to reach your markets quicker with new functionality that will make their work more efficient. Plus, all that time saved for your team saves you money to spend on supporting your users.

  • Stay ahead of the curve

    If you, like many, don’t know where to start with AI or don’t have the resources to create something on your own, Rustici Generator is a great place to start. Not only are you see the power of what generative AI can do for you, but it will give you a starting point on what, more importantly, you customers are wanting.

Development Roadmap & Updates

Not seeing something you were really wishing to see, well we have big plans for this product and while much of it is still under wraps here are a few things we can put out there.

Build quick and clear assessments with Assessment Generation (2025)

Skip the first steps of trying to think up something from nothing and let Rustici Generator build an initial assessment for you. It looks at your content as a whole but also looks within the content to source questions, answers, and distractors. Once it is created, you can confirm you have the right source material to validate its answers with content references.

Rustici Generator + Content Controller

Integrating Rustici Engine and Rustici Generator was a no brainer for us when we originally conceptualized an AI tool. When working through how that would translate to our other products, namely Content Controller, we had to take time to think through it. Not only will it be integrated into the application but we also want to create a easy to use and seamless interface that makes use of Rustici Generator intuitive and efficient.

We are currently in the process of just that, our product and development teams are working through what that integration looks like and what are the best ways to achieve it for your success. We hope to update you further as we make more progress towards this integration.

As for other upcoming parts of the future roadmap, we plan to keep you updated as emerging details arrive. Make sure to sign up below to stay up to date with all the latest developments.

Rustici Software AI FAQs

When will Rustici Generator be available?

While we aren’t able to confirm an exact day for the launch but we are aiming for Q4 2024 or Early Q1 2025.

Do you have any technical details on implementation?

We are still actively developing the tool and do not have any finalized technical documentation for setting up, integrating, and adjusting an instance of Rustici Generator. Make sure to sign up below for updates as technical details emerge.

Do I need to have Rustici Engine to utilize Rustici Generator?

For the initial launch, Rustici Generator will only be available as an add-on service to new and existing customers who are utilizing Rustici Engine. For existing Rustici Engine customers you’ll want to check with your CSM on your version, as this product will only work with Rustici Engine 22 or greater.

How are you handling data security?

We take data security seriously at Rustici Software, which is why identifying security concerns in the design phase is part of our development lifecycle. We will ensure the proper safeguards are in place to keep customer data isolated. We will not use customer data to train language models, so there is no chance that our customers’ intellectual property will leak into responses to other customers. As we get closer to release, we will share more details on how we’ve made sure this new service meets the security standards you’ve come to expect from Rustici Software.

Do you know the price of Rustici Generator?

The pricing of Rustici Generator add-on to Engine will be announced closer to Q4 2024. Make sure to sign up for updates, as we will notify our insiders first.

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