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Obsessive and Delightful

A few months ago, we asked our support staff (which is made up of project managers, and developers, and others) to focus on one word: delight. Ultimately, we feel like making customers happy is the most important thing we can do as a company. So…

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Scooping up SCORM Driver for free since 2012

When it comes to getting something for free, I’ll do just about anything. Last summer, we had a new ice cream store open in East Nashville. The night before they “officially” opened, they were offering free ice cream. I stood in line for close to…

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We need to talk…

Over a year ago, we started working with ADL to figure out where SCORM should go next. There were many roads that ADL could have gone down, and they’ve chosen ours — Project Tin Can. We’ve been building and refining the Tin Can spec and…

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31 Flavors of SCORM Cloud

Birthdays are fun around Rustici Software. We all get ice cream- and not just a scoop from a big bucket of vanilla or chocolate. Each person gets to order their very own combination from Cold Stone Creamery (shameless product placement for free ice cream). Given…

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Ever Wanted To Juggle a Tin Can?

We're hiring a Juggler. No, we don't need circus skills, but we do need somebody who can keep a lot of balls in the air. Project Tin Can is generating an enormous amount of opportunity and we need somebody to help us keep moving it…

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The Rustici Test Kitchen

A few days ago, a Pyrex dish filled with orange-chocolate chip cookies arrived in our office. In our world, a Pyrex dish means one thing: we’ve been graced with treats from Tim’s wife. As we sampled the offerings, Tim told us about his wife’s new…

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What we learned from the 1/11/12 SCORM Cloud outage

When SCORM Cloud outages happen, we drop everything until service is restored. A few of us go into "let the world know that we're working on it" mode, and the SCORM Cloud developers glue their eyes to their screens and wrists to their desks until…

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New Year’s resolution #1

It’s the start of a new year and almost impossible to escape the idea of resolving to do something different (travel more!), better (exercise everyday!), or not at all (no more pizza!). Given our love of cookies and ice cream, chances are slim that diets…

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What do you mean, Mobile?

I’m that kid. When you talk about the new kid around the office, the one with a phone practically glued to her hand, constantly texting (I sent over 1,650 last month alone!), the aptly named “digital native”, you are talking about me. When it comes…

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Soapy Cookies

Most people think buzzwords are annoying, trendy and overused words that pop up everywhere. Buzzwords serve one purpose: to drum up excitement around an idea, product, or event. That’s why people use them. While Chris and I worked through the Atlas, we kept an eye…

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None. The answer is none.

I answer a lot of SCORM questions ranging from the basic to the extravagant, and I actually like it.  A huge part of what I do is teaching about SCORM. Sometimes, though, I get questions that make me laugh.  Today, I feel like I need…

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Our Newest Addition

Ever since we came up with the idea of the eLearning Atlas, we’ve been thinking about ways to make it better for our users. What we realized was, as great as we are, we can only do so much. So we started thinking about what…

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