Rustici blog seasons and leadership change

Seasons change and Rustici leadership does too

It’s a season of change. People are working from home; kids are attending their first days of kindergarten from their living rooms; remote is the new norm; neighborhood shops are shutting down… and I’m leaving Rustici Software. Even weeks after making the decision, it’s unbelievably…

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Rustici blog connecting learning technologies through functional hubs

Connecting learning technologies through functional hubs

The learning landscape has changed a lot over the last several years. The traditional, straightforward model with content that goes into one system with a report built at the end is outdated. This is no longer what reality looks like as most organizations have an…

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Rustici blog EVERFI case study

The EVERFI story: Treating customers as partners

When we have a customer come to us, it’s our goal to talk through the problems they are trying to solve and get them to a place where they are comfortable with the information we are giving them and have the confidence they need to…

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Rustici blog virtual iFEST recap

Looking back at ADL’s virtual iFEST conference

Once again we were excited to participate in NTSA’s ADL iFEST conference. iFEST brings together eLearning experts to showcase projects accomplished during the last year and pushes the group to set forth guidance for the industry about the standards and the technologies we all use.…

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Rustici blog Rustici Engine and Rustici Dispatch IMS certified

Rustici Engine and Rustici Dispatch are now IMS certified

Rustici Engine and Rustici Dispatch have officially passed the IMS Global certification testing for Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). This major milestone for our products was achieved earlier this year in the 20.1 release. What does LTI certification mean for Rustici Engine? Conformance to standards and…

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Rustici blog virtual iFEST 2020

iFEST has gone virtual and we’ll be ‘there’

Typically when August rolls around we’re gearing up for our annual trip to iFEST in Alexandria, VA. Hosted by ADL and NTSA, iFEST is a great conference that brings together people from the military, government, academic and industry sectors to discuss ways to evolve the…

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Rustici blog farewell eLearning Atlas

Farewell to the eLearning Atlas

We have made the difficult decision to retire the eLearning Atlas. This is a bittersweet moment. It was one of the first projects that Chris and I worked on when we joined Rustici Software back in 2011. It was an ambitious set of work; create…

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Rustici blog Content Controller 3.0

Three is a magic number for Content Controller

The latin phrase “omne trium perfectum” means everything that comes in threes is perfect. We won’t go that far when it comes to our third major release of Content Controller. It’s software—nothing is ever perfect. But we are pretty excited about Content Controller 3.0, which…

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