Buyer vs. Vendor: Reflecting on our customer support

Buyer vs Vendor

I wear a couple of hats around here these days- sometimes I’m an Account Manager and work closely with our clients to make sure that the products and services we provide are hitting the mark. Other times, I head up our Marketing efforts and we…

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Say hello to our new office

Photos of our new office

We moved about a year ago... basically across the street from where our old office was located. Our new space is beautiful, and ever-so-slowly over the past year we have added some personal touches (and inside jokes) to the space as we continue to turn this…

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Andy Whitaker sat next to many boxes of beverages and snacks

Fueled by Costco (and a lot of LaCroix)

[caption id="attachment_2087" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] We tried to come up with a funny caption for this photo. The winner was ‘Area Dad Worries About Grocery Bill.’[/caption] A big part of my role as Office Manager is to make sure that Rustici Software employees are happy and…

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Twelve Months Later…

About a year ago today, Learning Technologies Group purchased Rustici Software outright, and invested in the simultaneously spun off Watershed. I can happily say a year later that I’m actually glad we sold the company. It’s true, if we were selling today, based on the…

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Rustici's family meal logo

The first official Family Meal

We kicked off a new event here last week that we're calling Family Meal. Around here, we place a premium on intentional time together. We feel it’s important and it matters. In an effort to mix things up and continue to evolve culturally as a…

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More of the same

Welcome to week one of the post-acquisition Rustici Software world. I just thought I’d take a moment here to discuss one of the reasons we agreed to sell Rustici Software to LTG, because it’s not all about the money. Mike and I were seeking investment…

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Big news from Rustici Software

Today, I want to share a piece of news that’s really exciting for us. As of this morning, Rustici Software has been acquired by Learning Technologies Group plc (LTG), a publicly listed learning technologies agency made up of specialist digital learning businesses. As a part…

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A Rustici intern balancing a paper cup on his head

Thanks Rustici Software

A Full Fun Summer It’s been a summer full of work, fun, food, and friendship. Many ping pong battles have been fought, cries of agony and celebration over code, and slow enjoyable summer nights hanging out after work. It hasn't just been a summer job,…

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Rustici staff at the May 2015 Cookout

Everybody’s Special

A lot of my time is spent on calls talking to people about Tin Can. Sometimes the person I'm speaking to is just interested in Tin Can generally or wants some advice, and other times they are interested in finding out more about one of…

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A couple of Rustici interns doing work on their laptops

The Intern Life at Rustici Software

The Rustici Software internship is more than just a summer job. Our weeks aren't just days filled with boring busywork. From Monday to Friday we are doing work that counts, as well gaining more knowledge everyday. From the moment we step in the office in…

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Rustici Interns working on their laptops

The Intern Mission

One project. Two teams. Eight interns. Their mission? To complete the project set before them in four sprints of three weeks each. With plenty of resources surrounding them, and the best work environment around, it's time for the interns to step up to the task and…

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Award logo for Top Work Places

Circles of Tolerance

If you'd like to download a pretty PDF version of this blog, click here. Summary: Organizations often stifle behavior to reduce interpersonal conflict, thereby creating a sterile, uncreative, lifeless work environment. Interpersonal conflict caused by varied personalities is a real problem as organizations grow. The…

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