Rustice staff playing an Escape Game

"You guys are really smart."

As a small (but growing) software company, we have to be picky when it comes to the people that we hire. We need people that can work independently without much direction, that can work quickly and wonderfully with a group, and that know when to…

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Award logo for Gold Brandon Hall Group Excellence 2014

We won two Grammys! Brandon Hall Awards 2014

Well, not really, but it’s the closest thing that the e-learning industry has to offer in the area of “prestigious awards for doing awesome things”. The Brandon Hall Group Excellence Awards Program is the most prestigious awards program in the e-learning industry, and was the…

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Rustici staff enjoying a day of paintball

Sun’s Out, Guns Out

There’s a running joke around the office about sunshine and Ervin’s arms. Basically, if the sun is visible, so are his "guns" (arms). It just so happens that in addition to Ervin’s arms, we had some actual guns out on Monday, too. As our quarterly…

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A lonely basketball on an empty basketball court

Pep Talks Aren’t Just for Athletes

What do Rustici Software owners, Mike and Tim, have in common with Phil Jackson? They are all great coaches. If you’ve never heard of Phil Jackson, he is one of the best basketball coaches of all time. He was called the “Zen Master” because he…

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Rustici Staff dressed smartly for Fancy Friday

Suit Up! Fancy Fridays are Here

Corporate America looks forward to Friday because it’s close to the weekend and they usually get to dress casually. Not us. We love every day at work, and we get to wear what we want all the time. But we also like to have fun,…

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rustici default blog image

Who are you people?

Last week we had our first quarterly quell of 2014. It was one of the most interesting weeks I’ve had in a very long time––and that’s saying a lot (I live an eccentric life). Generally when people think of company-wide meetings, their first instinct is…

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Bringing it Home

Whew! Finally recovering from the holiday festivities and the small talk that seems to come along with it. Invariably when meeting new people, the stock question, “Where do you work?” comes up. We joke around here that this can be a loaded question. Some of…

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Chris Tompkins having fun in a pit full of foam

I’ve never seen anything like this…

Continuing with the fun of Quell Week, we spent yesterday afternoon at Sky High Sports. We bounced around on a massive trampoline, played dodge ball, and got to dive into large pits full of foam (it was just as entertaining to watch people try to…

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A man holding many car keys

Clean Cars, Clean Plates, and Clean Slates.

You might have heard that we like to take care of our employees by offering them things that most employers wouldn’t ever consider providing, and most employees wouldn’t dream of receiving. Well, we did it again. This young man, Beau, washed and detailed all of…

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A rubber duck saying the word hack

At Rustici Software, We Like to Quack

Quell [kwel] verb (used with object) 1. to suppress; put an end to; extinguish. We base our work year around quarters, like a lot of companies do. At the end of each quarter, we have a "quell" week. It's the end of the quarter, and…

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A conferencing we’ll go …

We believe in being up front. Honesty. Transparency. Frankness. So we’re a bit disappointed that we won’t be joining you guys for some conferences this year. We could, but … well, we’d have to pay to be there. I’m not talking about the registration fee.…

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How to Top Kanye and T&A?

I spent last night the Music City Future 50 Awards dinner for the 4th year in a row (we were also just selected for the BusinessTN Hot100 for the second year in a row). If you make the Future 50 five times, you get inducted…

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