Rustici blog Introducing the SCORM Cloud Tester plan: Now with more storage!

Introducing the SCORM Cloud Tester plan: Now with more storage!

You asked, we answered! New SCORM Cloud pricing is here and comes with an all-new Tester plan designed specifically for users looking to test more extensive and dynamic content. The testing phase of developing new courses is as important as when you started creating them.…

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Introducing new SCORM Cloud tiers and price increases

Introducing new SCORM Cloud tiers and price increases

New SCORM Cloud plans arrive alongside pricing increases Today we went live with new SCORM Cloud pricing plans, which include increases to our existing monthly plans and introducing 2 new plan types.    SCORM Cloud looks a lot different today than when we first introduced…

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Rustic blog Adapting to a change: Going hybrid and supporting standards

Adapting to change: Going hybrid and supporting standards

3 years ago, we didn't think twice about where or how we worked together. It was assumed that almost everyone would be in the office every day, and it’s where we expected work to get done. We enjoyed in-person meetings and the serendipitous hallway encounter…

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Rustici blog SCORM Lost completions

5 best practices to limit lost completions in SCORM courses

“Just ask Joe.” I don’t remember exactly when that became a Rustici and customer catchphrase (more than 15 years of SCORM support and funny TV shows are vying for valuable brain space), it’s one that I secretly love and embrace. When we say “ask us…

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