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Another Certified LMS

One message I've been delivering to our customers and prospects a lot lately is this... partial SCORM conformance might actually be worse than no SCORM conformance. If you're going to bother with SCORM at all, be sure that you finish the job so that you…

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Happy Customers

Getting on the federal government's GSA schedule is a pain in the neck. Luckily we have a great assistant in Jean to trek through all the rigamarole. Step #472 Part Q involves a thorough investigation of your company's background and success in working with clients.…

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SDA Studio Kft :: SCORM Certified for 1.2 and 2004

Congratulations are in order for SDA Studio Kft as well. In November, they completed the SCORM 2004 2nd Edition Certification of their Neptun.Net platform. This follows their prior SCORM 1.2 Certification in November 2005. SDA Studio Kft is the leading provider of online training in…

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Webstudy :: SCORM 2004 Certified on the SCORM Engine

I want to offer congratulations to one of our customers, Webstudy, on their SCORM 2004 Certification in October of last year. Webstudy brings a unique perspective from its close alliances with college consortia. By listening to instructors and administrators that make up the consortia, Webstudy…

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It's nice to know that there are good people out there constantly trying to help others. Organizations like Save the Children, Habitat for Humanity and Catholic Relief Services are filled with great people striving to make a difference. While it may pale in comparison to…

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