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Blackboard™ is a Big Deal

Blackboard is big time. Blackboard Learn™ leads the higher education learning management world. Blackboard Learn serves more than 20 million learners. And starting in 2011 (or thereabouts), Blackboard is going to be rocking the SCORM Engine in Blackboard Learn. We are nothing short of thrilled…

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Ben’s in the Fold

People often ask us to recommend an LMS for them. We shy away from doing so because we don't want to pick favorites amongst our clients and potential clients. More significantly though, we really don't know all that much about the functionality and utility of…

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SCORM Cloud. Downtime. Aftermath.

Well, put simply, we had a bad day on Wednesday. Frankly, I haven't heard from anyone that they definitively noticed the downtime we had, but we've said all along that we would be direct and clear, and so we shall. <AdmissionOfFailure> On Wednesday, we were…

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Help Us Evolve SCORM Test Track

We are considering the possibility of an update to Test Track and want to get your feedback on what it should include. Please take a few minutes to take our Test Track Improvements Survey. When we released SCORM Test Track a few years ago, we…

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SCORM Cloud Pricing Tiers: The Edge of the Cliff

The SCORM Cloud is, well, it's a bit new. We've acknowledged all along that this is not how the learning industry has done things before. We like that; we're excited to be doing something a little different. It also means that we're going to be…

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SCORM Cloud Click Through Language Change

Legal documents are among my least favorite things about running a business. Yes, they're necessary, and I understand that. There are times, however, where wrangling over a few words in a contract worth $800 simply isn't worth it. (For my rationale, note that lawyers charge…

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Smart Customers, Simpler Explanations

We're nearing completion of a SCORM Driver implementation with a new customer (Honeytech) and have had reason to discuss with them one of our newer products, the SCORM Cloud. If you follow this blog, you've likely seen mention of the product here before. Frankly, for…

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My Favorite Questions

On our website, we invite every visitor to ask us questions. Generally, these questions are about SCORM or something eLearning related. Sometimes, though, they aren't. These questions, sometimes, are among my favorites... When you, our peeps, come up with some great questions, we'll share them...…

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Thanks, Dave

I wanted to take a moment to thank Dave Evans at AccessPlanIT publicly. They've been using the SCORM Engine for content delivery in their Accessplan LMS since November 2008. This, alone, is worthy of thanks. Today, though, I wanted to thank Dave for something else...…

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Do you have a lead referral or reseller program?

No, we do not. We get asked about it quite a bit though. In our early years, we experimented with some formal lead referral arrangements, but they just never quite worked out nor did they ever feel right. We've given it some thought and concluded…

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"Good idea, let’s add that.”

Our customers help us improve our software all the time. We regularly hear about some eccentric SCORM problem or Package Property that would help make the product better, and we strive to include that as quickly as we can. Concepts of listening and improvement, though,…

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Meet Joe. With 150+ customers all over the world using five different products, it just isn't very efficient to have nine different people all juggling support requests. Sometimes two people wind up answering the same question, sometimes a request falls through the cracks and sometimes…

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