I want to offer congratulations to one of our customers, Webstudy, on their SCORM 2004 Certification in October of last year. Webstudy brings a unique perspective from its close alliances with college consortia. By listening to instructors and administrators that make up the consortia, Webstudy brings experience and real needs from educators. In particular, Webstudy’s eminence in the higher education space is exciting to us at Rustici Software.

As the schools made it apparent to Webstudy that SCORM was important, they hired a consultant to assess various options for the implementation. Options included internal development, contract programming, and a third party solution. Ultimately, they concluded that a third party product offered many benefits (on this, we certainly agree). To find the most effective third party SCORM engine, Webstudy’s consultant reviewed possible providers, conducted interviews, and issued an RFI to potential providers. The conclusion from the work with consultant was clear, “After review and analysis, Rustici is the best suited to perform the integration. (Name Omitted) appears to be a viable candidate. (Another Name Omitted) is attractive due to price, however the product does not have the same feature set as Rustici and (Name Omitted), therefore the price comparison is not comparatively equal.”

While various versions of the SCORM Engine have been installed in more than 40 LMS’s worldwide, Webstudy took the initiative to independently achieve certification for their product. The SCORM Engine is currently running in production as part of Webstudy’s CMS Version 8.0. We offer them congratulations on the certification and thanks for their support of SCORM in general and the SCORM Engine in particular.