Rustici blog We're back live and in-person at DevLearn 2021

We’re back live and in-person at DevLearn 2021

More than a year later, we’re excited to be back participating live and in-person at conferences. You’ll find us exhibiting at DevLearn 2021 in booth #606 next week in Las Vegas. We know a lot has changed so we anticipate the usual back-clapping and handshaking…

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Rustici blog LSDX 2021

Level up your learning strategy with us at LSDX

Remember the days of going to conferences together? There were long plane trips, new places, team shirts, and product demos. You had to know each other’s phone numbers back then because the plan was to meet at the expo center in person. The thing I…

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Rustici blog connecting learning technologies through functional hubs

Connecting learning technologies through functional hubs

The learning landscape has changed a lot over the last several years. The traditional, straightforward model with content that goes into one system with a report built at the end is outdated. This is no longer what reality looks like as most organizations have an…

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Rustici blog virtual iFEST recap

Looking back at ADL’s virtual iFEST conference

Once again we were excited to participate in NTSA’s ADL iFEST conference. iFEST brings together eLearning experts to showcase projects accomplished during the last year and pushes the group to set forth guidance for the industry about the standards and the technologies we all use.…

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Rustici blog extending your learning network

Extending your learning network: What you need to know

Last week I had the opportunity to participate in the Learning Collective web series headed up by our friends at RISC. With many conferences getting moved online or postponed, we were happy to join this series to help share knowledge and insights with the greater…

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Rustici blog 4 ways to share courses ebook

4 ways to share your courses: tips, success stories and more

We field questions every day from content creators about everything from course design to packaging and distributing courses. Some of the most frequently asked are: How can I use SCORM (or another eLearning standard) to package my courses? How can I make sure my content…

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Rustici blog increasing complexities in the modern ecosystem

Increasing complexities in the modern learning ecosystem

I recently had a chat with David Wentworth at Brandon Hall Group about a common place so many people in the L&D industry find themselves. They’re inundated with more learning tools than they can manage, content more varied than they imagined, and more data than…

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