When it comes to investing in learning technology, proving the return on investment (ROI) is crucial. It’s not just about spending money—it’s about showing how that investment saves time, improves customer experience, and ultimately enhances your bottom line. In our recent webinar, Tammy Rutherford and Chris Tompkins walked through how to build the business case and measure the impact of your learning programs and technologies.

But reading the success stories from others who have walked this path can be incredibly inspiring and provide valuable insights. Let’s explore some examples where our customers have seen significant ROI with Content Controller.

SANS Institute: Achieving efficiency and cost savings

Take the SANS Institute, a long-time Content Controller customer with a remarkable achievement. They’ve reduced the time spent updating existing content by 90%, saving $100,000 annually in employee costs. By integrating Content Controller into their content team’s workflow, they’ve avoided the need to expand their team to manage content delivery across multiple customer sites. They’re working smarter, not harder, and Content Controller is the tool that’s making this efficiency possible.

Alarm.com: Real-time content updates and automation

Alarm.com reduced maintenance downtime when updating courses, enabling instructional designers and developers to implement updates immediately. In a high-tech, security environment where product training must keep pace with constant evolution, the ability to update content in real-time is invaluable. Automating content administration has saved Alarm.com time, money and effort. They’ve been able to demonstrate that these changes have made a tangible impact on their operations.

AICPA & CIMA: Customization and agility in content delivery

AICPA & CIMA made Content Controller the central hub of their operations, allowing their team to tailor the provision of products to meet their specific needs. Whether it’s for internal training within units, like their finance team, or for external consumers accessing their content, AICPA can now fit content into bespoke pathways designed to upskill teams efficiently. Previously, they were limited to sending large packets of content to outdated systems, which was both cumbersome and inefficient. Now with Content Controller, they have the flexibility to be agile, mobile and even creative in their approach. The transformation has been remarkable, enabling them to explore new possibilities that were previously out of reach.

Bridgestone: Linking training to sales performance

For Bridgestone, Content Controller drove measurable value. Using it to distribute training across an extended enterprise network, Bridgestone’s team can now track how their channel partners interact with product training and correlate that activity with sales as part of their Consumer Spiff (Sales Performance Incentive Fund) program. This enables the sales team to have more meaningful conversations with clients. By comparing course completion and sales data, Bridgestone can clearly see how product training directly impacts the sales process. This makes it easier to deliver and communicate the value of their extended enterprise training investment to the business.

Convincing stakeholders with measurable results

Whether it’s saving time, reducing costs or improving customer engagement, the ROI of learning technology like Content Controller is clear when you measure its impact across the board. Hopefully, these success stories inspire you to showcase the value of your own technology investments and help you build a compelling case to your stakeholders. For additional resources to help you demonstrate the business impact of L&D technology, download our free eBook on Putting impact-backed ROI at the heart of your learning ecosystem.

As Senior Marketing Manager, Tara leads the charge on our marketing strategy by developing targeted campaigns to generate demand for our products. She coordinates our large events, advertising and enjoys digging into the data to analyze the performance of our efforts. She’s also a serious skier – she got engaged in Vail and honeymooned in Banff.