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1 week… 2 new SCORM Engine LMS’s

This week was a huge success. In 5 days, we completed two full implementations of the SCORM Engine. In each case, our client had an existing LMS that supported users and assignments... they just didn't support SCORM or AICC. In a matter of 3 days…

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Rustici Software has Moved

We've finally arrived at our long term home. After several months of moving around in temporary spaces while our new space was built out, we moved in August 31st to our permanent home. Phones and offices will take a while to get perfected, but we…

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Implementation Fest Thoughts

Having just returned from Implementation Fest 2005 in Orlando, FL, I wanted to share a couple of brief thoughts with the community. Implementation Fest is an event organized by the Joint ADL Co-Lab in Orlando, FL. Focus areas included the Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative, the…

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