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A Sneak Peak::Reporting Concepts

We talk about living our company's life publicly a fair amount... so we're going to take another step in that regard here. We're in the early stages of creating an add-on product... something that could sit on top of the SCORM Engine and/or the SCORM…

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SCORM Cloud Pricing Tiers: The Edge of the Cliff

The SCORM Cloud is, well, it's a bit new. We've acknowledged all along that this is not how the learning industry has done things before. We like that; we're excited to be doing something a little different. It also means that we're going to be…

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SCORM Cloud Click Through Language Change

Legal documents are among my least favorite things about running a business. Yes, they're necessary, and I understand that. There are times, however, where wrangling over a few words in a contract worth $800 simply isn't worth it. (For my rationale, note that lawyers charge…

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How to Top Kanye and T&A?

I spent last night the Music City Future 50 Awards dinner for the 4th year in a row (we were also just selected for the BusinessTN Hot100 for the second year in a row). If you make the Future 50 five times, you get inducted…

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Smart Customers, Simpler Explanations

We're nearing completion of a SCORM Driver implementation with a new customer (Honeytech) and have had reason to discuss with them one of our newer products, the SCORM Cloud. If you follow this blog, you've likely seen mention of the product here before. Frankly, for…

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To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labor. --Robert Louis Stevenson OK, fine, he's right and all. Creating the new version of a product is fun and all. But shipping it, polishing it, finishing it, that's…

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SCORM Cloud Adoption

You know those framed dollars you used to see in restaurants? Where you walk up to the cash register to pay, and there, behind the cashier is a frame with a crinkly old dollar, torn, written on, but displayed proudly? (OK, so I'm not talking…

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“She picked us. She actually picked us!”

By background, Mike and I are both technical folks. We went to the same school, graduated from the same program. While we both speak conversational English (as opposed to off putting tech), neither of us has great expertise in marketing. Opinions? Yes. Expertise? Not so…

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A 2009.1 Tidbit

We've been slaving away on our SCORM Engine 2009.1 release around here and John stumbled upon something pretty exciting yesterday. I thought I'd go ahead and share it... Mind you, these are anecdotal, but fairly representative, numbers. We often use some old Photoshop courses, provided…

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My Favorite Questions

On our website, we invite every visitor to ask us questions. Generally, these questions are about SCORM or something eLearning related. Sometimes, though, they aren't. These questions, sometimes, are among my favorites... When you, our peeps, come up with some great questions, we'll share them...…

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SCORM Cloud Demo Application

We want creating applications with the SCORM Cloud to be exceptionally easy for you. Without further ado, I'd like to introduce you to the SCORM Cloud .NET Demonstration Application! (What a great name.) Head on over to our support portal and download the sample application…

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