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SCORM Engine 4th Edition Plans

A few SCORM Engine customers have asked recently what our plans are for SCORM 2004 4th Edition and how it relates to our release schedule. Must of the SCORM 2004 4th Edition stuff is already complete here in house. We've been working with the early…

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My Blender

[No, this isn't an accident. I'm intentionally posting about my blender on the work blog.] My wife, Jenn, was making strawberry ice cream today. You see, strawberries are finally in season here in Tennessee, and that means that I seemingly can't get out from under…

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Something’s different about TestTrack

Yes, as we've mentioned recently, several things are different about TestTrack. We transitioned upgraded our server, we applied a skin that makes it look like our new website, and most recently, we switched TestTrack over to our "beta" of the SCORM Cloud. Truth be told,…

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Open Source Software, and Why the SCORM Engine Isn’t

I've spent the last couple weeks researching, and parts of the last several months pondering, whether it would make sense for us to open up our licensing. Obviously this is a fundamentally important decision for a small company like ours. When I get into fundamentally…

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Support… Access and Desire

Welcome back! Yeah, that's right, it's been nearly two months since I posted on the blog.  Pathetic, right?  Well, we've been writing a lot, it's just spread out all over the new site.  So, I'll beg your forgiveness and get on with some new writing.…

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More Moodle Screenshots

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, we're using "between implementation" time (Brian's) to do some more work toward an elegant, pre-packaged integration between the SCORM Engine and Moodle. While Moodle is moving toward SCORM 1.2 certification, progress toward SCORM 2004 in Moodle is very…

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Do you have a lead referral or reseller program?

No, we do not. We get asked about it quite a bit though. In our early years, we experimented with some formal lead referral arrangements, but they just never quite worked out nor did they ever feel right. We've given it some thought and concluded…

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We Won a Simulation Award

Check it out. We won a modeling and simulation award from NTSA. Forterra Systems entered our joint project to deliver SCORM training from within virtual words. They describe the project and award in more detail in this press release. It's fun to be recognized just…

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Tests like these…

Tests like these are why you buy the SCORM Engine. "What is that?" you might ask. This is a dashboard widget that we maintain on our big screens in the two offices. Anytime you walk through the common space, you get a quick look at…

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"Good idea, let’s add that.”

Our customers help us improve our software all the time. We regularly hear about some eccentric SCORM problem or Package Property that would help make the product better, and we strive to include that as quickly as we can. Concepts of listening and improvement, though,…

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Holiday Gifts

This is a festive time of year. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the New Year, or if you're just excited that it might snow soon, we wish you and your loved ones all the best.The other day, I was talking with a few other…

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