ATD Buzz: What we heard around the conference

ATD Buzz: What we heard around the conference

In-person conferences are back, and we recently attended ATD ICE! While chatting and catching up with our customers is always our favorite part of events, we were also curious what the learning and training hot topics would be for 2022. Here’s your conference buzz: Using…

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Rustici Software blog A Word(le) about 2021

A Word(le) about 2021

Like many out there, Wordle has become part of my daily morning ritual. A cup of coffee and a quick brainstorm to find the perfect starting word hoping that it delivers some helpful clues to landing on the wordle of the day is what you…

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Rustici blog AMA Feb webinar eLearning standards

Ask me anything: eLearning standards and content creation

With a tagline of “ask us anything,” we answer hundreds, if not thousands, of eLearning standards questions every year from just starting to learn SCORM to more advanced questions, like creating a lockstep sequence in a SCORM 2004 manifest. (Sometimes, we’re even asked for our…

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Rustici blog - We launched CATAPULT A giant step forward for cmi5

We launched CATAPULT: A giant step forward for cmi5

One year ago, we kicked off a project with ADL to develop tools and resources to help accelerate the adoption of cmi5, and ultimately xAPI, within both the DoD and across the industry as a whole. We even came up with a catchy acronym- Project…

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We are presenting at iFEST Join us virtually-min

We’re presenting at iFEST – Join us virtually

To say we’ve all had our share of ups and downs in the last year and a half would be quite the understatement. In L&D, we’ve seen dramatic shifts in the adoption of online education and training. With the theme “Learning and Thriving in the…

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Rustici blog Your ticket to upgrade Debut of Content Controller 3.2

Your ticket to upgrade: Debut of Content Controller 3.2

If anyone knows me, they know I love movies. Pre-quarantine, my wife and I would go to the movies every weekend to see something. One of our favorite things about seeing movies is that feeling you get when you may be going through the motions…

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Rustici Software blog cmi5 in plain English

An explanation of cmi5 in (mostly) plain English

Around Rustici, we’re ramping up to launch Project CATAPULT in the coming months (I may or may not have recently set my #slack status as “visions of cmi5 danced in her head”). It’s all too common to hear someone say “cmi5 is the bridge between…

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Rustici blog learning ecosystem LTDX QAs

LTDX Q&As: Fitting standards in a learning ecosystem

Recently, we took part in LTDX and participated in 2 live panel discussions covering the what and how when it comes to learning ecosystems. Thankfully, I had some help from our sister companies where we covered the gamut from content creation to learner experience, distribution,…

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Rustici Blog DevLearn 2019

Guess who’s coming to DevLearn?

Even though it’s still 100 degrees outside, all of the fun things about October are finally here. We’re now starting to see which football teams are actually good vs just a one-week fluke, a slew of new Oktoberfest beer selections have just shown up, and…

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