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Fortunately, Chris isn’t very good at betting

For years, every single sales call at Rustici Software was handled by yours truly. We're selling a very technical solution to a difficult problem (SCORM), and my experience as a developer really helped me in those conversations. We've grown over the years, though, and having…

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Obsessive and Delightful

A few months ago, we asked our support staff (which is made up of project managers, and developers, and others) to focus on one word: delight. Ultimately, we feel like making customers happy is the most important thing we can do as a company. So…

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Proud To Be Different

Back-to-back. For the third year in a row, the Nashville Business Journal thinks we are one of the best places in town to work. I'm not normally driven by ego, awards or praise, but this is an award I hope to never lose. There aren't…

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Rustici Staff Member

Meet the Fab Four

If you read this blog, you probably noticed we’ve been interviewing folks to help us with some of the non-technical aspects of our business. We talked to a lot of really smart people and two weeks ago four of them showed up at the office…

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Benefits a la Rustici Software

Have you heard we're hiring?  'Cause we are, and I think you might want to work here. In the process of our interviews and the emails I exchange with people, I've tried to give a short explanation of our benefits, and I've failed every time.…

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Rustici Haynesworth Challenge

Mark the Days

It all started with Albert Haynesworth. Albert Haynesworth, you see, is a NFL defensive tackle, a big man who used to play his football at the University of Tennessee and for the Tennessee Titans. A year ago, he left the Titans via free agency to…

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Logo of Nashville Business Journal's Best Places to Work

You want to work here…

"You want to work here." That's how we've always begun our job postings, and we constantly strive to live up to that promise. Being a great place to work is at the essence of Rustici Software. Tim and I want to create a company that…

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Ben’s in the Fold

People often ask us to recommend an LMS for them. We shy away from doing so because we don't want to pick favorites amongst our clients and potential clients. More significantly though, we really don't know all that much about the functionality and utility of…

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How to Top Kanye and T&A?

I spent last night the Music City Future 50 Awards dinner for the 4th year in a row (we were also just selected for the BusinessTN Hot100 for the second year in a row). If you make the Future 50 five times, you get inducted…

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Urgent vs Important vs THIS

Countless sites have discussed an important topic in time management... the important/urgent matrix. In my simplistic terms, these folks are encouraging us all to work on important/non-urgent things more than we do. Apparently we are collectively distracted by the less important/more urgent tasks. Email, I…

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Coming To Work Here

No, unfortunately this post doesn't mean we're hiring right now. But the next time we are, it would serve an interested applicant well to read this post from 37 Signals. Plenty of people know how to code and have years of experience to show for…

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Support… Access and Desire

Welcome back! Yeah, that's right, it's been nearly two months since I posted on the blog.  Pathetic, right?  Well, we've been writing a lot, it's just spread out all over the new site.  So, I'll beg your forgiveness and get on with some new writing.…

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