A white book

A first for us

“Bravo. You are in the select company of America’s Fastest-Growing Companies”. That’s what was written on the front of the big folder that Mike handed to me last week, the folder that Inc Magazine sent to us, letting us know that we made the INC…

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User Interface diagrams scattered across the floor

Who we are, not what we make…

I believe that we create such great products because we have an amazing company, not the other way around. We talk a lot about SCORM, the Tin Can API, and the products that we make. We know these things well, and we enjoy talking to…

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A virtual tour of the office kitchen

An office says a lot about a company.

We don’t get a lot of visitors around the office. Our family members come by, and occasionally a customer will fly in to meet us in person, but that’s about it. This is mostly due to the nature of our business. Most of our customers…

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Rustici Software Welcomes Stephanie Fletcher and Zach Lowry

Take that, TLC!

When I was growing up, I had a friend who had a HUGE family. She was 1 of 12 brothers and sisters and I was super jealous of her. You see, I was stuck smack dab in the middle of two brothers, and having more…

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Jena Garrett as a unit of measurement on the delight-o-meter

My love letter to our support team…

If you’ve been keeping up with us over the years, you know we don’t take ourselves too seriously. For example, we have a running contest I’ll call “who can spit this (insert fruit pit/seed) the farthest”. Yep, we do a lot of silly things around…

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rustici default blog image

It’s official…Jenafits are here.

I like to take care of people. It's in my blood. I like to think that being "southern" has a lot to do with it, but most likely it comes from watching my mom take care of everyone I knew growing up. It just comes…

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Rustici staff playing ping pong

How do you know you’ve hired the right person?

All work and no play, well, that’s just not how we do things. The first thing people usually learn about our company is that we work with e-learning standards like SCORM and the Tin Can API. The second thing that people tend to learn about…

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A rubber duck saying the word hack

At Rustici Software, We Like to Quack

Quell [kwel] verb (used with object) 1. to suppress; put an end to; extinguish. We base our work year around quarters, like a lot of companies do. At the end of each quarter, we have a "quell" week. It's the end of the quarter, and…

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Logo of Nashville Business Journal's Best Places to Work 2013

Five for Five

It's that time of year again when the Nashville Business Journal tells us where the best places in town to work are. Rustici Software made the list for the fifth year in a row! It's been an especially fun year with a great group of…

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rustici default blog image

Want a Great Place to Work? Change the Toilet Paper

Bathroom etiquette is a semi-frequent discussion topic around the office. It's becoming a running joke that Tim and I care way too much about people remembering to replace an empty toilet paper roll. On the surface it's lighthearted, but you know what, I really care.…

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Logo of Nashville Business Journal's Best Places to Work 2012

Four For Four

It's official. We're four for four in the Nashville Business Journal's annual Best Places to Work contest. We're proud to be the place people want to come work. It certainly makes it easier to bring on more great people and I love the fact that…

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Rustici Staff Members

Four More…

No, we're not going to get into politics, there's waaay too much of that coming to the blogosphere this year already. This post is about four more reasons I love working at Rustici Software. The Next Four     Welcome to Rustici Software Andy Whitaker, Megan…

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