Andrew Downes

Announcing: Andrew Downes

We have an ethos about Tin Can API (xAPI) community adoption here at Rustici Software: “A rising tide lifts all boats.” We realize the power of the Tin Can API to revolutionize the e-learning, training, and HR industries. It’s already happening, and we want that…

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A heart with the word "work" in the middle

How to Succeed in a New Job

It’s not easy being the new guy at work—especially during the first few months when the environment is new and the products are unfamiliar. So how do you make the best of your integration time? Before you think about building a 90 day plan and…

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Rustici interns sat at a table doing work on their laptops

Making Code, Not Coffee: The interns are here!

In April, we sent out a survey to see what Tin Can tools the community wants us to build. To help us out, we’ve hired four interns who’ll build some of the tools that were voted on. Our four new members, Chris, Jake, Nolan, and…

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rustici default blog image

We’re going to need a bigger office…

When I was younger, I would spend parts of my summer at my grandmama’s house in South Carolina. Every time she saw my brothers and me, she’d threaten to strap bricks to our heads to keep us from growing so quickly. I’ve reminisced on those…

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Who are you people?

Last week we had our first quarterly quell of 2014. It was one of the most interesting weeks I’ve had in a very long time––and that’s saying a lot (I live an eccentric life). Generally when people think of company-wide meetings, their first instinct is…

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Meet the Fab 4 2.0

It’s a really exciting time around the office these days! So much has been going on here lately that December and January seemed like such a blur. First of all, we announced the companies that are participating in Watershed First, which if you haven’t heard…

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It’s all in the family

We’re a family here at Rustici Software. We look out for each other, and we tease each other, just like brothers and sisters do. We even call Mike “Dad” and Tim “Mom” — but it wasn’t until our latest hire that we really were a…

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Rustici Software Welcomes Stephanie Fletcher and Zach Lowry

Take that, TLC!

When I was growing up, I had a friend who had a HUGE family. She was 1 of 12 brothers and sisters and I was super jealous of her. You see, I was stuck smack dab in the middle of two brothers, and having more…

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Jena Garrett as a unit of measurement on the delight-o-meter

My love letter to our support team…

If you’ve been keeping up with us over the years, you know we don’t take ourselves too seriously. For example, we have a running contest I’ll call “who can spit this (insert fruit pit/seed) the farthest”. Yep, we do a lot of silly things around…

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Rustici staff playing ping pong

How do you know you’ve hired the right person?

All work and no play, well, that’s just not how we do things. The first thing people usually learn about our company is that we work with e-learning standards like SCORM and the Tin Can API. The second thing that people tend to learn about…

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Tim Edwards

It’s a Boy!

We’re happy to announce we have a new addition here at Rustici Software! When I first heard that we hired someone from Mississippi, I was overjoyed! You see, I get teased a lot around here for my super southern accent. I was thrilled that I…

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