Posts by Alicia Pack

Alicia is our content marketing manager who captivates audiences by providing comic relief to the eLearning standards. She wrote the cmi5 Best Practices Guide and writes about eLearning in presentations, blogs and articles regularly. Every year, she volunteers as a reporter for the Daily Dragon and is often found volunteering at a therapeutic equestrian center.

ATD Buzz: What we heard around the conference

ATD Buzz: What we heard around the conference

In-person conferences are back, and we recently attended ATD ICE! While chatting and catching up with our customers is always our favorite part of events, we were also curious what the learning and training hot topics would be for 2022. Here’s your conference buzz: Using…

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Rustici blog Meet the team Quality assurance

Meet the team: Quality assurance

We ain’t afraid of no bugs! Well, this group isn’t at least. It’s time to meet our quality assurance team. “To tell somebody that he is wrong is called criticism. To do so officially is called testing.” -Lara Abdurazak Our professional bug hunters spend their…

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Rustici blog AMA Feb webinar eLearning standards

Ask me anything: eLearning standards and content creation

With a tagline of “ask us anything,” we answer hundreds, if not thousands, of eLearning standards questions every year from just starting to learn SCORM to more advanced questions, like creating a lockstep sequence in a SCORM 2004 manifest. (Sometimes, we’re even asked for our…

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Rustici Software blog Meet the team Marketing

Meet the team: Marketing

We’ve often said that it takes an excellent team to power Rustici, but there are so many people and departments working behind the scenes who you never have the opportunity to chat with. Throughout the year, we’re giving you a behind the scenes look at…

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Rustici Software blog cmi5 in plain English

An explanation of cmi5 in (mostly) plain English

Around Rustici, we’re ramping up to launch Project CATAPULT in the coming months (I may or may not have recently set my #slack status as “visions of cmi5 danced in her head”). It’s all too common to hear someone say “cmi5 is the bridge between…

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Rustici blog celebrating our tech superwomen

Celebrating our tech ‘Superwomen’

It’s funny how some memories stick with you. I once toured a company that decorated each floor with a different theme. While I couldn’t tell you what all the themes were, the floor that was the most memorable for me was the one dedicated to…

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