Rustici blog returning to the office

Returning to the office: A work in progress

After a long stretch of working remotely, we are coming out of our home office cocoons and migrating back to the office, as an option for those wishing to return. We had a plan and, like much of the past 18 months, it changed. The…

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We are presenting at iFEST Join us virtually-min

We’re presenting at iFEST – Join us virtually

To say we’ve all had our share of ups and downs in the last year and a half would be quite the understatement. In L&D, we’ve seen dramatic shifts in the adoption of online education and training. With the theme “Learning and Thriving in the…

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How we sell things at Rustici Software - it's different

How we sell things at Rustici Software – it’s different

Let’s face it. Most of us have had a negative experience when it comes to purchasing something, and in most cases it’s the sales process that’s the culprit. Maybe it’s a high pressure sales person that imposes their timeframes on you, or the barrage of…

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Rustici blog Your ticket to upgrade Debut of Content Controller 3.2

Your ticket to upgrade: Debut of Content Controller 3.2

If anyone knows me, they know I love movies. Pre-quarantine, my wife and I would go to the movies every weekend to see something. One of our favorite things about seeing movies is that feeling you get when you may be going through the motions…

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Rustici Software blog cmi5 in plain English

An explanation of cmi5 in (mostly) plain English

Around Rustici, we’re ramping up to launch Project CATAPULT in the coming months (I may or may not have recently set my #slack status as “visions of cmi5 danced in her head”). It’s all too common to hear someone say “cmi5 is the bridge between…

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Rustici blog troubleshooting SCORM content webinar recap

Webinar Q&A recap: Troubleshooting SCORM content

In our webinar last week, Joe Donnelly and George Vilches taught you a few new tricks on how to identify problems in your SCORM course. If you missed the discussion or want to rewatch or share with your colleagues, here’s a link to the recording…

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Rustici blog Cup of Joe SCORM run-time

Cup of Joe: Troubleshooting SCORM run-time

This blog post is part of our “Cup of Joe” series in which we publish Joe’s answers to common eLearning standards questions to go along with your morning coffee. If you have a question, you can always fill out this form and ask Joe too.…

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Rustici Software blog Delightful support

Can support be delightful? Just ask our customers.

At Rustici, we’ve always prided ourselves on our customer service. Even from its early days, the focus for our customer support team has been one word: delight. In fact, the internal name for the team -- what shows up on my pay stub -- is…

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