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We call it, “I call it”

On August 13th, 2015, we launched a heavily revised version of Andrew Downes has been working away, as he does, creating new content. Rather than direct it all at the blog, though, he’s been rethinking and restructuring the core site and sharing his insights…

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A Rustici intern balancing a paper cup on his head

Thanks Rustici Software

A Full Fun Summer It’s been a summer full of work, fun, food, and friendship. Many ping pong battles have been fought, cries of agony and celebration over code, and slow enjoyable summer nights hanging out after work. It hasn't just been a summer job,…

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Rustici staff at the May 2015 Cookout

Everybody’s Special

A lot of my time is spent on calls talking to people about Tin Can. Sometimes the person I'm speaking to is just interested in Tin Can generally or wants some advice, and other times they are interested in finding out more about one of…

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A couple of Rustici interns doing work on their laptops

The Intern Life at Rustici Software

The Rustici Software internship is more than just a summer job. Our weeks aren't just days filled with boring busywork. From Monday to Friday we are doing work that counts, as well gaining more knowledge everyday. From the moment we step in the office in…

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Rustici Interns working on their laptops

The Intern Mission

One project. Two teams. Eight interns. Their mission? To complete the project set before them in four sprints of three weeks each. With plenty of resources surrounding them, and the best work environment around, it's time for the interns to step up to the task and…

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Award logo for Top Work Places

Circles of Tolerance

If you'd like to download a pretty PDF version of this blog, click here. Summary: Organizations often stifle behavior to reduce interpersonal conflict, thereby creating a sterile, uncreative, lifeless work environment. Interpersonal conflict caused by varied personalities is a real problem as organizations grow. The…

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Rustici Staff Members

Tip Tap Trio

They say the best things in life come in threes, and I tend to agree. The best times in my life are marked by three separate but equally exciting events. In 2010, I graduated college, moved to Nashville and got my first real job here…

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Rustice staff playing an Escape Game

"You guys are really smart."

As a small (but growing) software company, we have to be picky when it comes to the people that we hire. We need people that can work independently without much direction, that can work quickly and wonderfully with a group, and that know when to…

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A small airplane with "Spirit of Rustici Software" written on the nose

The Spirit of Rustici Software

I make it my personal mission to meet a lot of people in Nashville. People in my profession (marketing) and people in our industry (the tech industry.) Upwards of 4-5 new people each week. I like hearing other people’s career stories, and I just like…

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Leaders Eat Last

Read any survey on employee satisfaction and a positive culture will rank in the top three. Money, benefits, the actual work itself; these things are important. But most people want a great place to work and culture to go with it. When it comes to…

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Jena Garrett as a unit of measurement on the delight-o-meter

Measure your success by the delight of your customers

Just having a great product is not enough. Many people forget that exceptional customer support is one of the most important parts of an organization’s ongoing success. Why? It’s most often the only contact a customer has with your company. Receiving the help they need…

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