SCORM Engine 2017.1 is released!

We are excited to announce that the latest version of SCORM Engine--SCORM Engine 2017.1--is now available! The release includes a bunch of new, awesome updates, which we highlight below. Plus, we launched Managed Hosted Services this year. So if you’re looking to take some hosting…

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Helping Lockheed Martin and HCLabs play SCORM and xAPI

At Rustici Software, we’re lucky to have a slew of great clients doing interesting things with the products we provide. Yes, we solve very specific problems, but, regardless, it’s rare that any two use cases are alike which keeps me constantly engaged (with no shortage…

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cmi5 is live in SCORM Cloud

Today we’re excited to announce support for a new specification in SCORM Cloud- cmi5, which is something that doesn’t happen all that often in its history. Along with making cmi5 support readily available in SCORM Cloud, we’ve also added support for cmi5 to some of…

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SCORM Engine 2014.1 is Now Available!

With over 28 improvements and enhancements, this is the most robust upgrade for SCORM Engine since, well, ever. We've been working hard over the past few months to prepare for seamless installs and upgrades. We're excited to announce that we're ready for you, so come…

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What happens when your business model changes?

It’s a lot of fun working with both hosted and locally installed platforms. Yes, technically the deployments vary a lot (and I’m thankful for our super talented developers who manage both worlds), but it gives us the chance to work with many types of companies…

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This is a big deal for content vendors.

We love finding ways to use technology to make things better and easier, and we’ve done it again! SCORM Cloud has a pretty nifty feature called Dispatch. It lets you remain in control of your content by doing some pretty clever behind-the-scenes things, and more…

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A few of our favorite things…

There’s something that we like to do here at Rustici Software — make life easier by solving problems with software. This time around, it’s solving some Tin Can (xAPI) problems in SCORM Engine and SCORM Cloud. SCORM Engine and SCORM Cloud have been updated to…

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SCORM Engine v2010.1 Released

It's that time again...we just announced the availability of our latest SCORM Engine version, v2010.1. And, yes, I know you're thinking: "BUT, it's 2011 now dummy". Of course, you're right, but only because this blog post was delayed a few days while we migrated our…

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Blackboard™ is a Big Deal

Blackboard is big time. Blackboard Learn™ leads the higher education learning management world. Blackboard Learn serves more than 20 million learners. And starting in 2011 (or thereabouts), Blackboard is going to be rocking the SCORM Engine in Blackboard Learn. We are nothing short of thrilled…

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Taking SCORM to Odijoo

We’ve been knee deep in developing enhancements to – heck, creating an almost entirely new – SCORM Cloud, but that doesn’t mean we put other products on hold. In fact, we’ve got big, huge, gargantuan news regarding SCORM Engine, still the player of choice for…

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SCORM Engine Performance

(I've posted this in several places, but I really want all of our customers to see it. My apologies if you've already read it.) If you're having any performance problems with the SCORM Engine, we have good solutions for you. This article in particular gives…

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