Rustici blog remote hackathon

Remote hackathon: We’re up all night

As our one year anniversary of being a completely remote team was nearly upon us, and Rustici leadership was coordinating our "Quell" event, which normally consists of a significant amount of face-to-face time, participating in fun activities and connecting as people, we found ourselves still…

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Rustici blog celebrating our tech superwomen

Celebrating our tech ‘Superwomen’

It’s funny how some memories stick with you. I once toured a company that decorated each floor with a different theme. While I couldn’t tell you what all the themes were, the floor that was the most memorable for me was the one dedicated to…

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Rustici blog Looking back at 2020 and thinking ahead

Looking back and thinking ahead: Learnings from 2020

2020 forced us all to rethink how we approach work and life in general. Moving to a remote office set up overnight meant carving out space in our homes to work, teach, parent and live. It wasn’t pretty at times and certainly not what we…

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Rustici blog virtual Thanksmas 2020

Celebrating Thanksmas 2.0

I’ll be honest. I’ve been having a really hard time getting into the holiday spirit this year. We hauled out the decorations and put up the lights, but something was missing. That changed as I started to get into the nitty gritty details that come…

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Rustici blog paying it forward

Paying it forward

When I joined Rustici Software in 2011, I came here because of Mike Rustici and Tim Martin. I saw a growing business that operated in a way different than any other I had seen before. They created a working environment founded on the idea that…

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Rustici blog seasons and leadership change

Seasons change and Rustici leadership does too

It’s a season of change. People are working from home; kids are attending their first days of kindergarten from their living rooms; remote is the new norm; neighborhood shops are shutting down… and I’m leaving Rustici Software. Even weeks after making the decision, it’s unbelievably…

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Rustici blog adapting to disruption

Adapting to disruption: The increased relevance of eLearning

Like so many others, I’ve been spending my Friday afternoons engaged in “Video Happy Hours” with colleagues, friends, and even family. Each time, there’s a common theme among the virtual crowd of our imagined revelry. The questions all come out differently, but we’re all asking…

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Rustici blog Looking back at 2019: Our year in review

Looking back at an incredible 2019: Our year in review

Looking back on 2019, I can’t express enough how proud I am of all of the folks at Rustici Software and the work we accomplished. It’s been a pretty exciting year in a number of ways. Our company Early this year, we began to shift…

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