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Holiday Gifts

This is a festive time of year. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, the New Year, or if you're just excited that it might snow soon, we wish you and your loved ones all the best.The other day, I was talking with a few other…

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Music City Future 50 x3

For the third year in a row, we've managed to secure a spot on the Nashville Chamber of Commerce's list of the fastest growing companies in town, the Music City Future 50. It's hard to believe we've been able to maintain such consistent growth over…

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DevLearn2007::Paul Saffo

Paul Saffo has some interesting things to say, but nothing that jumped out at me until he started talking about Facebook. According to his Stanford students, "Facebook is so over. It's for 30 year olds." Has sentiment on Facebook turned? Next great thought from Paul...…

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DevLearn2007::What the heck is Facebook?

Everybody is talking about Facebook... I mean, the blogosphere is just obsessed with it... Me? I'm not totally sold on Facebook as the killer app, but I am fascinated with how cultural/internet phenomena intersect with SCORM and eLearning.Shon Bayer from Enspire Learning in Austin led…

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DevLearn2007::Session 110

I spent part of the morning with a topic near to my professional heart... Session 110 was titled "A Web Service Architecture for Integrating SCORM and Experiential Learning". Yes, it's a mouthful.More or less, Ginny Travers was presenting BBN's solution from an ADL prototype that…

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DevLearn2007::Sir Ken Robinson

I'm often impressed by the visionary keynote speakers at these conferences. The themes are relatively similar, but they often express them in insightful ways. Sir Ken Robinson spoke today on the importance of creativity among other things. First, I'll share a couple of pearls he…

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Another week, another conference. This time I'm in San Jose, CA at DevLearn2007. My expressed purpose in being here is simply this: I want to understand the innovative technologies available in eLearning. What better place than a conference in Silicon Valley, right? So, three days…

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Learning 2007::Tuesday Afternoon General Session

Back at it this afternoon... (quotes are loose)John Howley, legal expertise"Tell your lawyer what you need from them." This is the great incentive to get your lawyer up to speed on the things you require.We have developed in the common law tradition, in which judges…

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Learning 2007::Session 646

Session 646 was titled "What if Amazon and Google Partnered to Build an LMS?" Good thought, and something we're thinking about all the time. Google and Amazon are doing some things really well, and we'd love piggy back on many of those concepts.Thoughts from the…

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Learning 2007::Tuesday Morning General Session

Don Tapscott (Wikinomics) talked this morning, and spoke on his vision of the future. This is a guy with tremendous credibility in predicting the future. The most interesting thing he shared (to me) was this: Technology, to kids, is like air. It's just there.I'm pretty…

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Learning 2007::Session 320

Yup, I skipped my 200 level session for the blog... it was basically more of the same from my 100 session.So, Session 320::Rapid Online Prototyping. (The link is the wiki page from the conference... pretty cool stuff.)Richard Culatta led the session, demonstrating how freely available…

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Learning 2007::Session 108

Session 108::Special Session for Learning Suppliers, Vendors, and Freelancers.Elliott Masie and Cushing Anderson got us (learning vendors) together to give us some of their insights on the industry. Again, more thinking follows, but the biggest thought for me was this (again, paraphrased)We need to find…

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