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Welcome to

Introducing My name is Andy and I’ll be your tour guide today.  Let’s go!  First stop: What is Tin Can?  Here you’ll learn what the Tin Can API is, how it works, and why it matters. This is also where we’ll showing you who…

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We need to talk…

Over a year ago, we started working with ADL to figure out where SCORM should go next. There were many roads that ADL could have gone down, and they’ve chosen ours — Project Tin Can. We’ve been building and refining the Tin Can spec and…

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If you've been paying close attention, you may have noticed a prerelease of our latest SCORM Cloud feature, support for IMS BLTI plus Simple Outcomes. BLTI provides a simple way for LMS users to incorporate remote tools into their system. Think of it as a…

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Why People Pay Us

Before we bought 30 inch monitors for everybody, we used to print out all of the SCORM specs as they came out. The hard copy made them a whole lot easier to digest even though it meant the slaughter of many innocent trees. In unpacking…

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Obama’s award and misplaced vitriol

The US Department of Labor just announced their solicitation for grant applications (SGA) and they called it this: "Employment and Training Administration Notice of Availability of Funds and Solicitation for Grant Applications for Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grants Program".  Whoa. I'm no political…

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SCORM Engine v2010.1 Released

It's that time again...we just announced the availability of our latest SCORM Engine version, v2010.1. And, yes, I know you're thinking: "BUT, it's 2011 now dummy". Of course, you're right, but only because this blog post was delayed a few days while we migrated our…

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LMS Pricing

I love when I come upon some independent research that informs me of something I didn't know. Truth be told, I base a lot of my assumptions about LMS cost on the original price offered by my first eLearning employer. (List price at PureSafety back…

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SCORM Engine 4th Edition Plans

A few SCORM Engine customers have asked recently what our plans are for SCORM 2004 4th Edition and how it relates to our release schedule. Must of the SCORM 2004 4th Edition stuff is already complete here in house. We've been working with the early…

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“Can you recommend an LMS for me?”

Ah, a relatively common question for us... People come to us asking for recommendations on content and LMS's with some regularity. I theorize that it's for one of two reasons... They think we're the governing body for SCORM. They know we aren't the governing body,…

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