Posts by Brian Miller

Brian Miller is the Senior Director of Engineering and is also the most pedantic person at the office, which is saying something. That skill makes him great at ensuring our products support the standards, which is precisely what he spends his days doing. Brian is a IEEE LTSC voting member working on the advancement of learning standards, like xAPI and cmi5.

What is this package blog cover image with packages

What is this eLearning content package? Down the rabbit hole

We’re often asked a lot of questions at Rustici ranging from “what is SCORM” to very technical Engine integrations questions. One I was a little surprised to hear being asked in our “office hallways” (aka Slack messages) and beyond is “What is a package?” Turns…

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The Five Pillars of learning standards blog

What makes up a learning standard? The Five Pillars

I’ve worked in the learning standards space for a long while now, and over the last 12 years I’ve often been asked “What even is a learning standard?” and “What makes up a learning standard?” Let’s face it, if you’re asking those questions you’re probably…

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