SCORM Cloud has been the premier testing ground for SCORM and AICC courses since 2006.
Testing SCORM content was a troublesome undertaking until SCORM Cloud came along. In addition to offering all the features of a lightweight LMS, SCORM Cloud provides free SCORM testing features, which help you see how your content should play in nearly every learning platform on the market. Our products are the testing ground for eLearning standards content and SCORM Cloud’s built-in sandbox has been used to test millions of SCORM, AICC, cmi5 and xAPI courses over the past decade. Did we mention the best part? It’s free!
How to test SCORM content
- If you want to test a SCORM package to see how it will play in nearly any LMS, start by signing up for a free trial of SCORM Cloud. If you’re looking to test for SCORM conformance via ADL, we dive into what that entails below.
- Once you’ve set up your SCORM Cloud account, import your course (SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, AICC, xAPI or cmi5) into Cloud. Then launch the course in the built-in sandbox and watch it run.
- If your course is running well, nice job! If your course had issues, no worries. You can view problems in the debug logs and use SCORM Cloud to pick and choose course properties until you find the ones that let your course run at its best.
- Once you are happy with how your course is running, you can dig into the data in the course sandbox to understand how it’s working. There, you can view completion and pass/fail status along with score and time. If you look further, you can also verify that your course is reporting back on assessment questions the way you expect.
- Now that you have tested your SCORM package and found it to be working properly, it’s time to deliver your content. Use SCORM Cloud Invitations to invite learners to your course directly or use SCORM Cloud Dispatch to deliver courses to other LMSs and learning platforms.
But what if you want to test A LOT of things?
Once you have tested your content with SCORM Cloud, you may be ready to continue testing at a larger scale. Lucky for you, SCORM Cloud has the Tester Plan. All the benefits of having a trial account with added unlimited content storage. If you are ready to explore the plan options, we recommend looking through all that is offered.
“As a web-based training contract developer, being able to test in SCORM Cloud means that I can perfect my content before it goes to my client. I feel much more confident that my product can be released without further edits. Thank you!”
How does SCORM Cloud compare to the SCORM Test Suite?
The Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative produces an official SCORM Conformance Test Suite (CTS) for SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 (3rd Edition) and SCORM 2004 (4th Edition). The CTS is the only definitive way to prove that your content is SCORM conformant. SCORM Cloud, on the other hand, lets you experience content as the learner would in the real world. Cloud does not check for strict technical conformance; it simply lets you see what happens when your SCORM course plays in an LMS.
The two tests complement one another. CTS is like having your car pass the government emissions and safety tests, which guarantee your car meets the minimum requirements. Testing content in SCORM Cloud is like taking your car on a test drive.
Get started
If you have a smaller set of courses or you want to try before you buy, sign up for our free trial account. It’s absolutely free to test as much content as you want. If you have a larger library of courses to test, make sure to sign up for the tester tier for unlimited content storage.
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