How does it work?

The integration between Rustici Engine and Generator is set up in the Rustici Generator application. It aims to simplify Engine configurations, allowing full setup in a single API call that includes information about the Engine instance and its content library. Generator establishes specific credentials and configures Engine to send webhook notifications to its endpoint.

Rustici Generator will receive a webhook when content is imported into Engine’s library. By combining Engine configuration info and the webhook message, Generator identifies the course files to import. It can then parse content, create course metadata, and include it in the search feature.

Rustici Generator supports both tenant-to-tenant and system-to-system relationships with its own tenants and those in Engine. In a tenant-to-tenant setup, one Generator tenant interacts with one Engine tenant, receiving notifications when content is imported, isolating that content in Generator. A system-to-system integration allows Generator to create multiple tenants for any Engine tenant based on successful import notifications. The Engine Integration configuration defines whether a tenant-to-tenant or system-to-system setup is used.

Deployment options

  • Managed hosting

    Currently, Rustici Generator is only available as a managed hosted service for customers using managed hosted versions of Rustici Engine. Reminder, Rustici Generator is its own application and will run on a separate database instance from Rustici Engine.

  • On-premise TBD

    While we don’t currently have inherent support for running Rustici Generator on your own servers, we are currently exploring on-premise options for the future of Rustici Generator. If you’re interested in self-hosting, let us know and we’ll talk over the possibilities.

Interested in Rustici Generator for Rustici Engine?

Reach out to our team to get a demo of Rustici Generator or ask us anything!