SCORM. xAPI. cmi5. LTI. AICC. eLearning standards sounds like acronym soup! Keeping up with just the acronyms for standards can be difficult enough, deciding which learning standard is best for your content and while working with the technologies in your ecosystem is even more challenging. But don’t worry, Joe Donnelly and Brian Miller are here to help you blend your content goals and choose a standard to meet them.

During this lively webinar, Joe and Brian talk through the standards and give practical, real world examples to help you better decide which standard best fits your needs.

Here are a few different examples of what you might be cooking up:

  • You want to add serious games into your future training plans and need to track with an LMS.
  • You have product education or traditional content, and you want to reach more customers and learners.
  • You need to track compliance training for employees at your organization.
  • Help! I’m not sure which standard is best or where to start!

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