EVERFI is a leading provider of social impact education that caters to the entire learning journey of an individual. From K-12 and higher education to workplace training, EVERFI supplements core student curriculums and career-based competency training by providing content that fills a social need. This content takes shape as diversity and inclusion, anti-harassment, campus safety, and workplace betterment programs such as ethics and compliance, just to name a few.
EVERFI’s strength is not just in their subject matter expertise, but the platform and the data that go along with it. The platform not only delivers the courseware, but also includes learning paths, multiple language options and configurations to truly customize the learner experience.
EVERFI uses Rustici Cross Domain, or RXD, to offer access to their subscription based content, hosted and delivered on their platform, to customers who need to serve the content to learners from their own LMS.
The challenge
Historically, EVERFI required customers to access their content directly from the EVERFI platform. Under this model, they were having to turn away potential customers who wanted to expose the content in their own LMS. Customers who had invested time and money in an LMS were not interested in adding yet another platform to their ecosystem. For EVERFI, simply handing over course packages was not ideal as packaging up the entire content and the logic surrounding it was not practical or scalable. Additionally they would also need to make sure the content was compliant with each of the learning standards various clients would require.
Forcing customers to choose between the EVERFI platform or nothing at all quickly revealed itself as a blocker to new business.
The solution
EVERFI quickly realized that Rustici Cross Domain was the ultimate solution to their problem. RXD allows EVERFI to maintain complete control of their content and the learner experience by serving it from their platform, yet making it accessible from a customer’s LMS.
Using Rustici Cross Domain, EVERFI can create proxy files of their content as SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 3rd Edition, AICC, xAPI (formerly Tin Can) and cmi5 packages, and the content itself maintains its integrity so that it can be experienced as it was meant to be. RXD allows the content to report back results to the customer LMS as well as EVERFI’s platform so everyone involved has clear visibility into the usage, performance and consumption of the course content.
EVERFI can now offer their content in the format that is best suited for an individual customer and their LMS, but invest very little time and effort into understanding and interpreting the complexities of eLearning standards.
“For us, the real value proposition is giving our customers a choice. We can provide them with a great platform or we can provide them with content that just works in their own LMS. Rustici Cross Domain allows us to round out our offering. It took a barrier to entry and completely removed it.”
The benefits
Streamlined client onboarding
With RXD, EVERFI can quickly and easily onboard new clients and connect proxy packages to launch within the customer’s LMS. Less time spent on implementations and professional services means more time to focus on an excellent user experience and the creation of compelling content.
One integration, multiple configurations
Working closely with Rustici Software’s Support team, EVERFI was able to build a single integration with RXD that could enable the distribution of proxy packages to their customers, but still allow for custom configurations to be established at the customer level. EVERFI can work with customers to turn on the functionality they need without reinventing the wheel.
Seamlessly update courses
Thanks to RXD, EVERFI can update course content as needed without having to interrupt customer operations or the learner experience. Courses can be automatically updated and because EVERFI hosts the content themselves, they can ensure that it is always up-to-date.
Increased business opportunities
Previously, EVERFI was missing opportunities for customers that required having the content served from their own LMS. With RXD, EVERFI was able to remove this barrier to access and expand their business model to meet this customer requirement. EVERFI customers can consume content in their preferred system and both they and EVERFI receive the learner results they require. With this retention of ownership and visibility EVERFI is able to license their content without hesitation or concern.
The results
Prior to implementing Rustici Cross Domain in 2014, EVERFI offered less than 10% of their content to their client base. Previously it would take anywhere from 4 to 24 hours to prep and code each individual course for use within a customer’s own LMS. RXD has saved the EVERFI team countless hours by transforming what used to be days of work into a few minutes of work. Using Rustici Software’s solution has filled a gap for EVERFI as they can now offer their content within their own product or a product of their customer’s choosing, and do it in a fraction of the time.
“Rustici Cross Domain allows us to focus on creating content based on learning objectives, interactive experiences, and accessibility for users. We depend on our ability to use Rustici’s tools to turn our content into something that can be run on other standards-based LMSs. EVERFI is not trying to become the standards experts. We build compelling content and lean on Rustici to handle the rest.”
Want to learn more about Rustici Cross Domain?
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