How does it work?
The offline SCORM player extension allows your native mobile app to play back and sync SCORM content from Rustici Engine with a specially designed player package.
To get started, you’ll need a mobile app plus a license and integration between your LMS and Rustici Engine. Then, you’ll integrate Rustici Engine’s offline SCORM player extension with your existing iOS or Android application.
It is important to note that the offline SCORM player extension integrates with mobile apps but is not a mobile app itself and it does not have a user interface.
What does it do?
The offline SCORM player extension allows learners to download SCORM content from your LMS via your mobile app, play it from their device and sync learning progress back to your LMS when a connection is restored.
We also make it easy to track progress across platforms. A learner can start a course offline on their mobile device and, when they have an Internet connection, resume progress online through desktop or mobile.
What are the technical details?
Rustici Engine’s offline SCORM player extension has sample code available in Java for native Android apps and in Objective-C for native iOS apps. However, please note that our offline player functionality is not limited to these two options.
For the offline player extension to work, learners will need to establish an initial network connection to download courses via your mobile app. They’ll also need a network connection after courses have begun in order to sync results back to your LMS.
I’m ready to get started, so what’s next?
Learn more about Rustici Engine
Interested in getting started with the offline SCORM player extension but want to see what’s required with Engine first? Awesome! Learn more about how Rustici Engine can help you import and launch SCORM, xAPI, cmi5 and AICC content.
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Talk to us to learn more
We know the offline SCORM player extension can be confusing. We can help you feel comfortable with the technical details to make sure your developers are ready to integrate Rustici Engine with your LMS and the offline player extension with your mobile app.
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